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About Chaalie

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 05/31/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Edmonton, Alberta
  • Interests
    Reading, guitar, learning, whiskey

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Uneven cuts and inconsistent stitches
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather and stuff

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  1. Hey, man! Definitely didn't expect that. I grabbed my beginner tools and some cheap leather from Tandy. They have a big sale going on for July. I'm sure I'll end up shopping online for some better tools and stuff eventually, but I have enough to get me started for now.
  2. Hey, guys! My name is Charlie and I'm currently living in Edmonton, Alberta. I just began with leather crafting about a week ago. So far, I've done a couple flip card holders, a belt and a Moleskine notebook cover, all worthy of becoming kindling. I also made a bookmark, which involved me cutting out a lopsided rectangle and calling it a bookmark. I'm excited to see how my skills progress and what kind of projects I can get myself into.
  3. Thanks a lot, Ducjes. I just got into leather crafting a week or so ago. This is my first shot at something other than a flip card wallet. I just finished doing all my preliminary cuts, which involved one recut and a fair amount of cursing. I appreciate you throwing up the template for everybody to use!
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