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Posts posted by Inth

  1. Greetings fellow leather workers


    For many years during my journey with leather working I have always been a huge fan of embossing. I was never very good at beveling therefore I always focused more on embossing anything i could find - bottle cap, coin, brooch, literally anything that could create something unique. Well as you can imagine this was a huge limitation for my products and for my creativity, having only what was available on the market plus all these random things didn't give me much of freedom. After a whole year of searching for a good reliable, durable and price reasonable solution + many failed tests  I managed to find one which I would like to share with you today. My goal form the beginning was to find a solution that would be affordable so People can finally create their own stamps or even whole collections without spending tons of money on it.

    My online store has been only recently put online so please bare with me and my limited offer but I assure you that the offer will grow. Every week I try to add new designs. Custom requests are available all the time.

    since I am based in Europe I also tried to find a reasonable shipping solution to US and here how it looks:

    regular airmail: ~5$





    Facebook page


    Please share with me your suggestions, and feel free to comment

    Best regards



    few samples:


  2. Hi Clair,

    Thanks for your reply.... even if it's a sad story for that stamp : )

    I was looking at shapeways for a bigger stamp (almost 2"x2") and I have ordered a plastic one before you had replied. At that size the stainless steel is not too affordable : ) But I can't wait to see how it's going to perform - even if I only get a couple good impressions out of it, it's going to have paid for it self and may get the stainless steel version when the plastic one is destroyed.

    I can update this thread with the result of that stamp once I get it - I know I've been searching for this kind of information for a long time. : )

    Hi Fullmetalsam

    care to share some photos of your stamp and results ?

    best regards

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