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Everything posted by mliebs8

  1. Do they make line 24 snaps with longer shafts? I'm making an IWB holster and used 6/7 for the support band around the the holster and the same size for the belt loop but the snap shafts are only sticking about about 1/32" and it looks like it's not going to work. How much of the shaft has to be sticking out to get a good set on the snap and if I trim the belt loop down a little bit would it still be thick enough for long term wear? I tried putting 2 pieces of 6/7 together and got the snap to set and I couldn't pull it apart by hand (they were small pieces 1"x1") but when I used pliers one side wouldn't come apart but the other side did (I used a moderate amount of force). Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the input. The belt slots are hard to cut, I really think it would be worth it to have a tool made just for doing them.
  3. For some reason I still can't post the pics so I hope this works.<center><a href="http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/DSCN1971.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="<A href='http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/th_DSCN1971.jpg">http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/th_DSCN1971.jpg"></a><a href="<A href="http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/DSCN1970.jpg">http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/DSCN1970.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="<A href='http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/th_DSCN1970.jpg">http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/th_DSCN1970.jpg"></a></center>Ok here's the other side.
  4. Well I called Artisan today and David took care of the problem right away. I didn't know it but the speed reducer is ajustable, all I can say is great customer service and well worth the price I paid for it.
  5. Thanks for all of the kind comments and suggestions, I really appreciate. Yes it is the natural color but when I did the went molding the dye put like a light orange tint to it. I think I am going to go with the black thread after I get the hang of it, I think the darker color would hide some of my sewing problems. I'm in the middle of doing another one right now and I'm going to went mold it and then dye it tomorrow and see how that works. I can see already this is going to be addicting.
  6. I hope this pic works. I actually did put a body shield on it, I need it for my fat mid section LOL.<center> <a href="http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/DSCN1968.jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/th_DSCN1968.jpg"></a> </center> <center> <img src="http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/DSCN1968.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> </center> I definately need computer classes. Thanks for the input TwinOaks.
  7. Here's my first attempt at a holster, I know it's bad but I'm open to any comments and suggestions. The stictching is worse than horrible but I'm sure it'll get better (actually I think it can only get better). Let me know what you think. <center> <img src="http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/mliebs8/DSCN1966.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> </center>
  8. I tightened it as much as it will go, the belt seems to be too long. I'll just pick one up tomorrow at the auto parts store.
  9. I just tried out my new 3000 for the first time and the belt slips when you try to start stiching, I actually have to grab the big wheel and help it get moving. I have the bobbin winder wheel set as far as I can get it to get more tension on the belt. The belt feels kind of slick, has anyone put a gates belt on this or am I over looking something. The motor belt seems to be fine and didn't need any adjustment.
  10. I've decided to keep one of them for practice and send the other two back. I'll probably place an order with Wicket and Craig Monday. Thanks for everyones help it's greatly appreciated.
  11. I just purchased 3 double shoulders from Weaver in different weights and to me the quality doesn't look all that great. The 8/9 looks the best but the 5/6 has a bunch of white powder stuff (it doesn't rub off, it looks compacted) all over the back side and the front side is real bumpy or wavey. I'm obviously new to this and bought the leather to start out with but does this sound normal or am I too picky? Where is the best place to buy leather from? Thanks
  12. I think it turned out very nice, I like the dark color. What color dye is that?
  13. I actally went to Northern tool today and looked at the 20 ton they have on sale for $249, it looks alot better than the one Harbour Freight has for the same price. I'm going to pick one up this weekend, I have a friend of mine who owns a machine shop making 2- 12" x 12" x 1" steel plates for it as we speak. I hope this works for the moulding process because if it doesn't I"ll have a 200+ lb paperweight taking up room.
  14. I spent most of the day checking out some prices and trying to figure out what I need and along the way thought about the Rons edgers you recommended and decided to go ahead and buy them. I figured if I'm only buying two and they last forever then it's worth it, worse case I can always sell them if this doesn't pan out. I agree with tools being an addiction that's why I want to get a solid foundation laid out before I go out and just start buying everything that looks like it could be used in the next 10 years. I really appreciate everyones help, this is totally new to me so every bit of information is very helpful.
  15. Thanks for the reply, that's the kind of answer I was looking for. I have a 60 gallon 2 stage compressor so that's a good thing. I have 3 benches set up that are 18 sq ft each, their mounted to the walls and fold down to make room for router tables, table saws, chop saws, and other tools that I used in my shop. The Weaver press is something that I will definitly look into, for the price that seems like it would be a good deal. Could you dry the holsters and belts on some type of clothes line strung through the shop? I think using any type of controlled heating system would be out of my price range. I have a Jet filteration system that keeps the air very well filtered, would this be benefical to use when drying? It worked well to keep the fiberglass and mdf dust out of the air. I need to get a belt sander (as suggested earlier) I can't believe I've never needed one. I've done custom car stereos for 20+ years (not my real job, I sit in an office for a living) and got burned out on it a few years ago so now I'm trying to get into phase II of what I really like working with and that's firearms. I think I'll take a close look at the Weaver tools in general, you said they work but fall short for your needs but I'm sure your at a much higher level than I'll be at anytime soon (or ever for that matter) so these would probably work for me. Thanks for your help.
  16. I can see that figure being realistic, I'm looking to spend around 5K just for equipment to get something going (leather, dyes, thread etc aren't included). I'm only looking at doing belts, IWB and OWB for now so if the clicker has to wait then it has to wait. I want to get some type of press to help with the moulding process so I'd rather spend more time cutting the patterns than trying to mould the holsters by hand. If it cost more then it costs more, it's really no big deal. I posted here to see what I would need and how much it might cost to avoid the learning curve of wasting money and getting aggrevated. If I spend 10K in the next year including leather and supplies I'd be one happy camper. What do you think the equipment for startup would run? From everything I've been pricing, minus the clicker, 5K seems like it would be more than enough.
  17. Holy Cow! I just checked the price on the Ron's edgers and almost had a heart attack. What is the advantage to Ron's vs Tandy? Between the Artisan 3000 and Ron's edgers my future business name might be Poor Mans holsters. LOL
  18. Thanks for the input. On the strap cutter I guess a good one would be the aluminum instead of the wooden one correct? What grade sandpaper do you use on the belt sander? I was also thinking about getting a drill press and making something to burnish the edges. I'm sure I won't have everything up front and will have to keep buying, I"m just trying to get a good solid setup to help with the learning curve. Thanks again.
  19. Well I just broke down and ordered the Artisan 3000, I'm pretty excited except for the fact that it looks like it won't ship until early January. Hope this machine turns out to be as good as everyone is saying.
  20. I'm going to start making holsters, belts, mag holders, and some general leather items and have a quick question on tools. How are Tandys startup tool sets? They have a price range all the way up to about $1000 and I'd like to know if a set like this is worth it or not. I'm not sure if one of these tool sets would be worth the money or if it would be better just to piece it together. It's like going to Sears and buying their biggest tool set, most of the stuff you'd never use but if you need it it's always nice to have it there. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. What items should I expect to have to buy to sew holsters, belts, and mag holders? I've decided to go ahead and buy the 3000 but I really need some advice on the add ons. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. Believe me I have alot to learn also. Thanks for your input
  23. Are the tracks noticable after the holsters are complete? I'm trying to stay on a budget but if the equipment is going to give me added problems I'd rather wait and buying something better. I've read some good things about the Neels machine and for the money it seems hard to beat.
  24. This website is so full of information it's amazing. I'm going to start making holsters, belts, and magazine holders in the next couple of months and would like to know what equipment is necessary to make the job a little easier. I'm looking at the Neel's Saddlery or Artisan 3000 for a sewing machine so far but that's about it. I'd like to know what hand tools would be needed, which press would be the best for moulding (with a somewhat reasonable price), and what I would need to cut strips for belts. This is going to be a hobby but I would like to turn it into a small side business in the next few years if possible. I'm also looking at possibly buying or making a clicker for multiple patterns. Any input would be greatly appreciated. My budget to get this started is going to be in the 4-5000 dollar range.
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