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About TeufelMacht

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  1. I have messed around a little doing laser transfers on veg tan using acetone. Print the image reversed onto standard paper with a laser printer. Lay it on the leather, toner side down. Get some acetone on a rag and rub it thoroughly on the back side of the paper, pull the paper off and let it dry. This will not work if you are using alcohol based dye.
  2. I made a small strop to use with small tools and just run each tooth of the iron allong of the edge of the strop; flip and repeat repeat repeat . . . Use a piece of hardwood with a good square edge on it and put leather right up to the edge.
  3. I use the 2/3 oz a lot for doing interiors for wallets and small notebook covers with 4/5 oz on the outside. I have recently made some front pocket/slimline wallets completely out of 2/3 that turned out really well. Like previously stated; it is not nearly as firm as the thicker veg tan but does well on light duty applications where you are trying to keep your thickness to a minimum.
  4. Thank you; Louisville is about an hour West of here. I have already found loads of great info here and decided it was time to participate.
  5. I have been lurking on here for a few months and determined I should post a intro at some point. I started doing leatherwork about 6 months ago; shortly after that I started selling some stuff on etsy just to recoup some cost for more materials. My wife signed me up for a couple local holiday markets where we did pretty well so we decided to have a go at a full on business. I am in Northern Kentucky; just South of Cincinnati and do primarily wallets and bags. Here is my etsy store http://teufelmacht.etsy.com My inventory is pretty beaten down right now; but I will post some of my new stuff soon.
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