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Everything posted by Jbatman

  1. more glossy, I'll take pictures this weekend so everyone can see how they look on an edge etc
  2. Not to hijack this thread but if anyone is interested I have a ton of edge paint to get rid of...if there's enough interest I'll order some containers and part it out for folks (http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=60156)
  3. Hey guys, I'm putting a feeler out to see if there's any interest in this. I made an order for a ton of edge paint due to minimum order quantity and not only is it too much for my needs, the project is getting shipped out for someone else to handle so I'm looking to recoup the loss. I'm thinking of buying some 8oz containers similar to the Tandy ones and parting out some of this paint. By rough math I'll probably offer them somewhere between $10-$14/8oz (Tandy sells theirs at $25 retail and $17.50 for Elite). I went with LCI because their product was better than Tandy and Fiebings. Anyway, the colors I have are: White Black Brown Blue Yellow Red Pink These also do mix so I can potentially make one-off colors but I can't guarantee matching a specific color as I'm no expert mixer Let me know if there's enough interest on here and I'll order the 8oz containers etc. Thanks!
  4. Hey guys, I have 6 brand new and unused 50gr spools of Lin Cable in the 532 size (same size Hermes uses). I bought them for a project and realized on arrival that they wouldn't work for what I want to do so I'm trying to recoup some of the cost. These came directly from Sojou in France, the ecru and Hermes orange color took a month to arrive due to demand. The yellow has had maybe a few feet removed from it, other than that these are all 100% new. Thanks guys! Price: 200 USD for all 6 Shipping: FREE CONUS Payment: PayPal + 4% PPal Fees
  5. I believe this is what you're looking for mrtreat, ***edit*** For what it's worth I would love to know how this is done. It looks as though there's 4-5 layers there but overall it doesn't seem to be too thick. That edge is also glass and colors sharp. I would think burnishing traditionally would muddle the edges of the various colors?
  6. Thanks JLS I'll take a look at that tonight when I get home. So funny thing...over lunch I went to the local sewing shop and mentioned it there and the gentleman asked me which feed dog I was using so we looked it up and noted that the hole in the feed dog plate was pretty small, so I went ahead and bought a larger plate. I ran home and tested it out along with a few different needles and it seems to have affected the outcome dramatically. I'm going to table this until I have more time tonight to mess with it. Thanks guys
  7. That's the frustrating thing ha...I use scrap of the project prior to get the tension right and then move on the the project. The scrap may be 4"-6" and it will come out perfect, but when I run the length of a 22" collar there will be one or two of those top stitches coming through. Frustrating it is. I've tried pushing it back in with a blunt awl etc and it seems to fight pretty hard. Seems like this may be an exercise in futility.
  8. Thanks ABC3, I'm wondering if a size 23 needle would help at all since the hole would be bigger and the top thread would have a hair easier time getting pulled back up?
  9. I knew that was coming , its a juki 8700H, needle size is 22/140, I know it's not the best for leather but its what I have. For what it's worth it goes through our material like butter but we're also using double milled 4oz veg tan + 3-4oz top leather.
  10. I'm sewing collars- I'll get my tension what seems to be dialed in correctly but when I run the stretch of the entire collar there 7/10 times will be one or two top stitches coming through the bottom. On a natural calfskin lining with a black topstitch it becomes pretty noticeable. Does anyone else encounter this issue and does anyone have any tips or techniques to either fix the issue or cover it up ie a dab of matching paint etc. I'm using 138 nylon/832 sajou cable on the top and 70 nylon on the bottom. I'll attach a photo where you see the little black stitch coming through. Thanks! Joe
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