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Posts posted by xs400

  1. ...and when you get it, here's a thread to make it run even better with more control.


    So, I got the Family Sew FS-550s. I read this thread that you recommended and uh....well, I will admit that I failed my circuits class the first time I took it. All of that read like instructions to perform brain surgery in Sumerian. I guess I will just rig up a speed reducer to get more control.

    It seems as though there is a small window on the slowest speed that will go slow and steady. It is hard to regulate because of the torque issue.

    I am making seats for motorcycles and I need that steady slow speed that we all want for that beautiful, not so cheap leather we bought.

    I appreciate so many of you filling me in on this stuff as I am new to the compound feed machines.

    What do you guys think?...Better to buy a speed reducer or make my own?

  2. I recently bought a Juki 1541 and it came with a clutch motor. After destroying some of my work and becoming extremely frustrated I decided I would bite the bullet and research servo motors. I, obviously, would love to buy a servo motor but I am becoming increasingly more confused as to which one/ones would be a good buy for me. Can anyone guide me in the right direction?

  3. Hey, guys! I am new to working with leather and came to learn a few things...ok, EVERYTHING! I am self taught as far as sewing is concerned. I never really cared much for it until I got my hands on some leather last year. That was when everything changed. I had the most horrendous beginners machine to ever exist! I upgraded to an old Necchi Supernova which helped a bit but obviously does not have the muscle to eat through leather. I am on the Craigslist hunt! I also want to learn to hand stitch to make bags. I don't know anything about types or grades of leather yet, but I am reading everything on this site and will soon have a better understanding. My brother wants me to have a go at making a sheath for his machete so I could use some help in picking the right leather and knowledge of good sites to order from. I have a sweet motorcycle that needs a new awesome seat so that is at the top of the list after i get a new machine.

    I am pumped to start and can't wait to show you guys a project! I look forward to speaking with all of you and soaking up all of your leather knowledge!!!!

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