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Everything posted by BROD239

  1. I thank you Glenn for your info. One screw #84 I have and a possible reserve for a emergency situation too. I thank you very much/Pavel
  2. Hi Glenn, Needleplate 82234 is for 29k71/smal bobbin/ and is therefore for hinge stud. The question is...if the bolt-head of the #84 has to same dimensions as the stud-head and is a possibility fix these plate with#84. Pavel
  3. Hi everyone, please could me anybody tell if can I fix the needle plate /spare part 82234/ by my 29k62 with screw /sp.p.:84W/ to the Gear Box. Thanks/Pavel
  4. I thank you for your info. Is some other variation in spare parts betwen 29k62 and 29k71 than in (needle plate screw / needle plate hing pin). And can I fix the needle plate 82234 for 29k71 with the screw 84w at my 29k62?
  5. Please could you tell me how about thick has be this leather washer...OR how set this functin, of the topic tension disc, when the feeding foot is down and the needle bar is going up.Is some correlation to shuttle position? /and excuse me my english/
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