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mason HFFH

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Everything posted by mason HFFH

  1. Itch those are nice . Thats what im looking to do . Top quality work . What size lace did they use
  2. Bill thanks. And TXAG they are going for $40-$50 a pop
  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.chilhowee.net/images/photos/061018001_1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.chilhowee.net/whips.html&h=298&w=300&tbnid=wyhkHZp4GS8lYM:&zoom=1&q=get+back+whip&docid=HazR7aOzxzepxM&hl=en&ei=I67jU63vHc368AGG7IDQCw&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-verizon&ved=0CCUQMygDMAM This is what im going for . Right now I need black and metallic silver lace
  4. Thanks for the reply . And its knot a turks head knot its more of a type of heat shrinkable tape of some sort . Im trying to avoid buying a whip to dissect . The size of the nylon core and lace size that is mainly used is what I can not find and youtube has let me down .I do have a braiding book but I want to be sure of my sizes before I order material. Thanks so much
  5. Hello . Ive been trying to find resources on making leather get back whips and most of what I can find is the nonsense paracord ones . Does anyone know the size of lace needed and the size of nylon inner cord needed and termination methods . They use some kind of wrap on either end of them . Also im looking for a good lace distributor for many colors of lace . Im new to braiding and looking for advice . And btw before I. Preached to about the MC thing I am in a serious club that has been around since the 40's . Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
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