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About greyhawk

  • Birthday 06/15/1960

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  • Interests
    Portrait painting old west history, and interested in learning about leather work.

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    Leather work,Holster making and saddelry

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Member (2/4)

  1. Thanks Thor had a look great! Did you see pics of the tree if you can make them out.
  2. Hi thor what sort of length your talking about for the strings cant see any yellow latigo leather. or Rosettes. Thanks Does anyone have any spare? lol
  3. Hi Thor thanks once again for the input Think i take yor advice on putting the saddle in the rain i don't fancy that was a little worried about that suggestion .Thanks Thor.
  4. Thanks i think i will have to replace conchos nothing much left of them as you can see by the photo they need replacing this is what i thought i replace it with.
  5. What sort of leather would you use for the strings? Thanks
  6. Beautiful saddle Thor very Nice. Thanks for sharing them.
  7. How many cleans would you suggest for the saddle also can't seem to find a makers name anywhere. Thanks
  8. Thanks oltoot for the the info don't think i'll take it apart will leave as much as possible am not that confident at the mo totake things apart. lol i take it's ok to replace the comchos?? Thanks again guys! What do i do about the specks of paint?
  9. Thanks for the advice just got this saddle a few days ago. Will replace the shearling and straps at a later date when i have the funds but at the mo i just want o concentrate of cleaning and conditioning the saddle. Thanks for the info much appreciated. Like to see your saddle.
  10. Hi is it possible to stop this crack from getting any worse and here are a few more photos. Thanks
  11. Thanks For the Great advice Wenny it's a bit daunting i must say but looking forward to having a go will have to hunt around for the fiebings stuff as am not sure if they have them over here in the UK. What about lexol conditioner any Good?
  12. Thanks for the advice oltoot ,yeah i think i'll wait till the advice rolls in hopefully. Thanks again.
  13. Hi I have an old saddle that needs some TLC and bringing back to life the leather is hard and dry and curled in some places , can any one help with tips and what to use to soften and make the leather a but more flexible? I was told lexol leather cleaner and lexol leather conditioner and the fiebings leather balm would be ideal no oils as this would harm and darken the leather any help and tips on applications would be appreciated . Thanks
  14. Thanks for the tip Ramrod will have a go!
  15. lranger know offence taking just a sore spot i just not happy with the newness and colour just wanted to take the newness off and slightly change the flat colour thats all would love any advice on this .Thanks for the reply.
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