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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Horns on a viking helmet??? Naw, would I ever do that??? Actually I have thought about it just for cooool factor *LOL*
  2. Thanks a load everyone :-) TN leather: I made my own pattern, trial and error as I went...I have never seen any patterns at all for these viking helmets, do they even excist??? Rhide: Cool, it seams that leather and horns is walking hand by hand (I know of several leatherworkers that carves horns/bones too). You have to post up photos somewhere :-)
  3. Very, very nice, beautiful work
  4. Thanks a Million all for looking and commeting on my work :-) Madmax...I simply LOVE my Dremel for the horns *LOL*
  5. From the album: Tina's Labor of Love

    A helmet I started almost a year ago and I finally finished. All "bone carvings" is made out of cernit clay, a small experiment *S*

    © © leatherworker.net

  6. Tina

    Tina's Labor of Love

    "He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands, and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, and his head, and his heart, is An Artist" -I sure feel like an artist :-) //Tina
  7. Tina


    From the album: Tina's Labor of Love

    Just thought I show some of a new hobby I have picked up, great fun and it complements my leatherwork (I think *S*)

    © © leatherworker.net

  8. Home in Sweden again and the Jetlag is finally giving up.

    1. CitizenKate


      WOW!!! Your new pieces are awesome, Tina!

    2. Tina


      Thanks, I had great fun making them :-)

    3. ClayB


      You forgot to stop in and say "Hi" :o)

  9. I got inspired by Toms helmets (not that mine is nearly as good) and I made this viking cerimonial helmet just for fun. All pieces that looks like bone is actually cernit clay that i have made. Inside the helmet I made it possible to change the size somewhat. The other picture is from my new hobby, carving cow hornes (and bones in the future) It's great fun except you have to be outdoors (it stinks burned hair)
  10. The holder is almost a foot high and I think close to 3 inch in diameter (I don't have it infront of me right now) I use Angelus spirit dyes and acryllic white paint (sometime black paint too) On this scroll holder I have also used the old style medium brown antiquing from Tandy (before Eco-line), I was lucky enough to find a few big bottles before they were discontinued. I get the spirit dye from a gourd supplier, he's got the best price I have found: www.turtlefeathers.net
  11. Love your work, the first pictures of the binder is a favourite
  12. What you need is a DTP softwear (Desktop publishing program) I use Serif's PagePlus and if you search the older but still verry good ones is free downloads on the net.
  13. I used a "Pebble tool". The one I used can be found at Springfield leather :-) ...and sometime one should read the whole post before answering *LOL* Anywway, good luck Skye and knock on the door if you have any questions. Spinner & Andy...Thanks for your comments, I'm happy you like my work and that I still can come up with ideas to surprice someone :-)
  14. I use my Husqvarna home sewingmachine (around 20 years old) to all my thinner leathers...As Spinner says, use a tephlon foot and the problem should be solved.
  15. Traveling to the US (Michigan) on Sunday, I wish it was as easy as "beem me up Scotty". I guess "I'm getting to old for this s..." Ayways, this is the time to stock up and finally get some things to nice prices :-)

    1. Tina


      Boat...What a lovely idea :-)

      Clay, I'll bring the doughnuts :-)

    2. ClayB


      good thing, nobody will eat the ones I bring anymore

    3. Tina


      *LOL* I don't understand why ???

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  16. Love you r work Swede :-) Välkommwn hit, jag tror du kommer gilla stället och människorna. Vore kul att få se dina verk "in person" och jag ser fram emot fler foton :-)
  17. When living in the US I bought my "single caps" (or Jiffy rivets) at Ohio Travel Bag. I think their quallity is super, not that thinn material (I hope they have not changend their supplyer) I think they by the stuff from Belgium (?) http://www.ohiotravelbag.com/
  18. Hi John. I would google it. You go in to images then text the animal you want...To the left you have the option of "linedrawing" and Voila, and here's the drawings :-) http://www.google.com/search?q=raccoon&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=544&gbv=2&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=itp:lineart&sa=X&ei=5EdTTq1pyO6yBpqPpYQO&ved=0CCUQpwUoBA
  19. Welcome "neighbor" to this awesome site. I'm sure you're going to find it more than useful and ontop there's a whole bunch of friendly, helpful people
  20. And get some diluter/alcohol...Most colors are very colorstrong (loads of pigments) and you might find them getting too dark. I Love my Angelus dyes :-)
  21. Hi, I hope this will not offens anyone here.... I would take the jacket and closley compair it with a genuin Camle jacket, maybe even take it to someone that have a better understanding about this specific item? As a frequent traveller in certain parts of this side of the pond you'll know that most of "maker brand" items will be rip-offs (fake copies) and they're good at it too:blink:
  22. Jag använder som det kallas i Sverige "Gum Arabic" till kanter & dylikt, jag tror det är det samma som Gum Taraganth, det luktar och ser lika ut och uppför sig precis likadant. Köper detta här i min favvokonstaffär i Sverige :-) http://www.skcab.se/...abic_75_ml.html
  23. When using Hi-liter or any antiquing you need to put a few coats of resist first (say 2 layers of satin/super shene or other brands) This needs to dry, I let it sit for at least 24 hours. Then you use fiebing antiqpaste, or the Hi-Liter, which is more tricky to use, it is more like a loose fluid at first and needs a light hand. Personally I don't use any Eco product but I here is where they come in place too if that is what you use. Non of these procucts is suppose to go on bare leather...After taking of excess you have to put another layer of protection...The last layer is way easier to put on with an airgun. Good luck :-)
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