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Everything posted by we11ington

  1. Hi guys, first time posting anything as its the first time I really like the way something turned out... Not perfect maybe, but it feels great to use it. I have made a few things but they always ended up looking a bit ermmm "primitive"... :-) IE; like Fred Flintstone made them....
  2. Hi guys, I have this book available, I am in the UK and am looking for about £100. Its in great condition all complete no stains or marks there was one page which was folded over on the corner but its all there. What do you say?
  3. How does it stay on? It looks cool and I would love to see how its made. Maybe some more photos?
  4. I will try those , Thanks very much :-)
  5. I have seen other pictures and it seems a little more "orange" I was going to try it with a heavily diluted light tan and try to "build it up" Here is a link to the site... http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ja&u=http://www.herz-bag.jp/webshop/products/detail39.html&usg=ALkJrhg-MzU81o1tVHYG8M56WEiqVzlRHA
  6. Guys I was wondering if someone out there can identify the dye used to create this color? its obviously veg tanned leather about 3mm. but all the dyes I have tried so far are way to dark. it looks like what people call "light saddle tan" or "London tan" but I cant seem to nail it down to a specific dye... I have asked Herz who probably ignore me because I cant speak Japanese... :-) Also how do they get the darkened edge effect ? I doont think its just burnished as it extends quite a way down. Thanks in advance Dave
  7. can you post how you finished that ? dye brands , colors etc?
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