Hi Leather Experts! I was hoping for your help in letting me know if this saddle is worth the price tag. It is for me and I LOVE it! But, I want to make sure that they aren't over-pricing it too much. The leather is in super nice condition not just for this saddles age but ANY saddle! As far as I can tell someone took VERY good care of it. It seems everything down to the wool-shearing is original (probably not the latino strings being that old, but they are not new either!). Here's a link to the company selling it with picture's showing the saddle but I will try to post picture's here too. They have the correspondence between the N. Porter Saddlery & Harness Company and Mr. J.T. Stetz about his order from 1943 and a copy of the catalog he ordered it from; his initials are on the back of the cantle. I would appreciate any help you can offer me so much!
Thanks in advance for your expertise here!