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About 904slumpin

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  1. He clearly says that a speed awl is the best way to hand stitch how did I not listen to the above advice lol I'm about to buy a thompson walking foot
  2. Hi I'm new to the forums and i need some advice on a machine that will reconstruct basketball sneakers. I'm into sneakers decons and i have a couple questions, I am looking for a machine that will succesfully sew these fabrics such as leather, exotic skins and suedes I know these machines cost thousands of dollars BUT is there a good enough older used machine that i could find on craigslist for around $4-600. I dont care if the thing is covered in rust and from 1809 aslong as it does the job. A few models on my local craigslist would be singer model 20-13 for $400 tacsew t622r for $500 singer 591 for $300 yamaha gc8500 for 600 juki ddl5530 for 700 chandler c-765 thompson pw201 (i beleive) for 400 singer 212g140 for $800 PLease any help is needed and suggestions/advice thank you
  3. I painted some black tumbled leather sneakers bright red and it took me 9 or 10 coats.. all using angelus leather paint no thinner. 1 coat is WAY too much paint, way TOO fast. For the best finish and little to no brush streaks you need at least 4 or 5 coats idc what color you are painting. And like said above an airbrush works wonders and will give you the best finish. You can use heat gun in between coats to fasten dry time
  4. Thanks for all the tips I'ma look for a speed awl at Michaels this weekend
  5. What should I look for specifically is there any specs or anything I should look for when I find a machine? I have found out that post machines work well and there is a couple on ebay for around 600. I am actually going to do a little project by hand this weekend so that should be interesting lol thank you for the reply! I just feel any newer machine will run in the 1000s I'm sure I could find an older one from somebody who needs money on Craigslist for around 6 or 7 or is there cheaper newer ones that will do this work. I just don't know what specs or what key words to put in. Are "upholstery" and "medium weight" machines what I should look for? I just don't wanna type in upholstery and it show some 400 brand new machine that I think will do the trick but it doesn't because I didn't know the specs to look for. You know what I mean?
  6. Hi I'm new to the forums and i need some advice on a machine that will reconstruct basketball sneakers. I'm into sneakers decons and i have a couple questions, I am looking for a machine that will succesfully sew these fabrics such as leather, exotic skins and suedes I know these machines cost thousands of dollars BUT is there a good enough older used machine that i could find on craigslist for around $4-600. I dont care if the thing is covered in rust and from 1809 aslong as it does the job. A few models on my local craigslist would be singer model 20-13 for $400 tacsew t622r for $500 singer 591 for $300 yamaha gc8500 for 600 juki ddl5530 for 700 chandler c-765 thompson pw201 (i beleive) for 400 singer 212g140 for $800 PLease any help is needed and suggestions/advice thank you
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