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About DirtyWolf13

  • Birthday 09/11/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    north carolina
  • Interests
    armor, jewelry, saddlebags horse and motorcycle, pet harnesses, corsets ,sheaths and holsters. Hair accessories S and M equipment most anything leather even upholstery.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wax Hardened leather Armor
  • Interested in learning about
    leather craft . anything and everything i love the craft and the more i learn the more i want to learn. i love doing things the old ways and even making my own ways
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet. just ran into it. while asking if its cheaper to make copper rivets out of copper nails and just buy burrs seperate or just buy the copper rivets in sets from tandy.

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  1. who has the absolut cheapest #12 copper rivets &burrs or is it cheaper to BUy #12 copper nails & just buy the Burrs seperate or even just use a normal washer because as much as i love copper rivets especialy 1" #12s i hate that they dont make affordible ones that are silver i dont give a hoot what they are made of as long as they are silver or at least grey

  2. theres a company out there dont remember witch it is maybe weaver but ther make a coppper rivet& burr setter that comes labeled as #9 but says planly on the website that they dont sella # or #14 cause this #9 wil work with any copper r&b smaller than #9 all i remember is it cost 18$ and its blue and silver and its body shape is round . other than that the the working end og th tool look the same as tandys or osbourns or smithfields im thinking its like the guy said all you really need it cutters etc other stuff is nice but be patient and youll make it work but its also like the other guys said the setters only cost 10 bucks if your whole sale (witch i am) or you pay to be elite.
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