Hello everyone,
What a great site for a guy who's just starting out, thanks to the powers that be.
I'm wondering if members of this site might have some time to provide me with some feedback when they have some time. I'm wondering if I'm rushing things a little starting a small side business or if I'm right on track and thought this might be a place to start to get feedback.
I took a 10hr Intro to Leather Carving course at Zelikovitz Leather here in Ottawa in Oct/Nov of last year and almost didn't take to the craft. Something clicked in the last 30min of the course and I've been hooked since. After a handful of projects, and the urging of the owner at Zelikovitz, I've opened up a little side business doing carving and kits for friends and the owner of Zeli's passing my name to people requesting carving. At the risk of sounding like a braggart the owner was telling me I'm doing things in 2.5 months that some take 2.5 years. With that siad here lies my concern... Is my ability up to par.
I'm not here to do a plug for my biz in any way, but I will provide a link to my facebook site for my biz that has photos of all my projects at different stages. I thought it might be easier to put a link up vs uploading a ton of pics. If anyone has the time to review and offer any feedback, critique, or other helpful tip I'd love to hear them, and greatly appreciate them. Here's the site: www.facebook.com/skinnerleather
Thanks in advance and I can't wait to absorb as much info as I can from this site.