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Everything posted by kriskringle73

  1. Also, Camano, the casing thread/article was very informative. I'll probably spend the weekend experimenting. Thanks again
  2. Ah, I see. I can actually see how that'd fix the problem. Thanks for the pointer
  3. I probably didn't let the leather case properly, the guide that Tandy included with the kit wasn't very clear on the subject. Any advice on how long I should let it sit? As for the tooling, I followed the guide in the order it presented them, but it's possible I missed those areas. Thanks for the advice. It's nice to have someone with experience look at my work.
  4. So I've done this pattern a few times to build my basic skill set, and I wanted to see what people who are a bit more experienced than I think of my work. All critism is welcome.
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