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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    no specialty, still learning
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    all I can
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  1. Leather Unlimited has English Point and Multi-Width strap punches for $15 (US) in several sizes. www.leatherunltd.com Multi width : SP1018 1 1/4" to 2 " SP1019 1/2" to 1 1/4" English Point: SP1011 and specify size. Hope this helps.
  2. OK. Thanks for helping. I'm pretty new at this and I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.
  3. I received a box of leather from a co-worker whose late father worked with leather, and was wondering how to tell vegetable tanned from chrome tanned. I have read several postings in the Holster section stating chrome tanned can attack the finish of your firearm and want to make sure I avoid this. Thanks.
  4. As a newbie myself, functional=good. On another note, I have read posts in several threads warning not to use chrome tanned leather in holsters. I understand the logic as far as damaging the firearm, but how can you tell chrome from vegetable tan? I recieved a box of leather from a co-worker whose late father tooled leather and don't know exactly what I have. Thanks.
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