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Everything posted by razorbak

  1. well I called them and they wouldnt send me a catalog but told me to go online and see what I want..looks like thats the only way I will be able to get what I need..I don't have a problem in the min. order but they really didnt want to help much because Im not a vender
  2. Im going to call them in the AM..thank you for your help
  3. Ferret and Tina..thats exactly what Im looking for but Im not a dealer or a business owner so I can't purchase them..thank you ...any one has a source
  4. Hi Im new to the board and I have to say this is a awsome site with many talented people..I have been looking for a place that sells speed/boot hooks and if you would know how to make a setter..I actually have a old and old hook setter and actually found hooks from tandy 6 years ago that fit it but the problem was the setter tore the hooks at the ears unless proper tension was used and also Tandy no longer carries them and I have no luck in finding any anywhere thanks in advance Art
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