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About CanadianCam

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  1. Hey again, If anyone is trying to compare the saddle to a version in a catalogue which they have, it serves to know that the stirrups and cinches will look different. However, I am not entirely sure of how different! Thanks, CanadianCam
  2. Hey there folks, I was hoping that someone on this fine forum could help me out with the identification of a Bona Allen saddle. Any information will help me such as the year, the model, the authenticity, what type of horse it was intended for, typical materials used, or even any special manufacturing practices used for this saddle. It came into my family in 1969 and by then the leather was already well-worn, chewed by the cattle (See Photo 4), and left to hang and to endure the Canadian elements in the barn. As far as I know, the family which the saddle came from was raising ponies for local fairs and photo events. This could be possible since the decorative workmanship is somewhat ornate (See Photo 2). Is it correct to assume that it was meant for ponies? It measures around 16"-17". I placed a standard-sized CD on the saddle to give you an idea of the size (See Photo 4). I believe that the cinch and the stirrups were both replaced in a local repair shop years ago (See Photo 1). In this repair shop, the man had been thrilled that the saddle was an original Bona Allen. The barely-visible letters B and A on the front underside of the saddle seem to attest to his words (See Photo 3). Here are four photos and I will provide any additional information that may help. All suggestions are welcome since I don't have much experience in identifying saddles. Thanks, CanadianCam
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