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Everything posted by travomatic

  1. So I acquired a singer 16-188 recently and I figured out how to thread it and I am pretty sure that I've got the top thread done correctly, the bobbin I'm not so sure about. I think I have got it correct but when I go to sew, it just tries and tries and tries but the bobbin thread just sits there and never gets picked up by the needle. Also the (I'm new to machine sewing so forgive me for my more than likely incorrect terminology.) feeder, the little guy with teeth that pulls the material along, isn't doing its job correctly and it's almost like the material wants to feed backwards from back to front?? Also I'm sure I don't have the correct needle or thread so I'd take any advice ya got for me on getting this old machine running. oh and for the time being I am using this machine without a motor, and just turning it to hand. Thanks in advance
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