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4t Diamond

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About 4t Diamond

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  1. So I have this part of a cover that I'm working on and tried to dye it with saddle tan but ended up with bad streaking as show. In the pictures. Is there anything I can do to remedy this or am I at a point of needing to start over? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks Randy. I liked the idea of the floral/basket combo and I'm happy with the way it came out for my first try on carving roses. Im spending a lot more time practicing on how to carve them better to have them look nicer but any pointers would be appreciated. I'm sure most of the finesse comes with plenty of practice. -Trevor
  3. Thanks a lot! Tree is a replica based from a 1920ish Visalia that my mentor had around.
  4. Just completed my first saddle and looking for honest opinions. This was completed in my free time after work over the past 3 months and I was fortunate enough to work with a very gracious and talented saddle maker during the process. Any tips for my next project would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  5. List of items and pics please. Would certainly be interested in the saddle pliers. Thanks!
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