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Everything posted by gnwy

  1. Man that kid has got talent, I have never been much of a carver myself, and USED to say that any I did looked like something a 7 year old would do. Never did I think that it would be an insult to 7 year olds such as yours. Im glad that you have the chance to spend time with your son, it will pay dividends down the road. I have two boys, 21 and 17 that are kind of distant, which is all my own fault. When they where young I was too busy working long hours, getting a business going to spend much time with them, and now that I have the time, they are not too hip on spending much time with the old man. Hopefully I can be closer, and spend more time with any Grand kids that come down the line.
  2. Its been a while since Ive done any leather work at all, but I just recently built a couple of holsters for my brother. Now Dad wants a couple of pistol rugs made, and I have no idea what I'll need or how to put one together. Anyone know where to get a pattern and/or instructions for making them. Or any books that I should buy that would point me in the right direction. Any help would be greatly apprecited. Thanks, Greg
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