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Everything posted by lieuwke

  1. Hi Paprhangr, Thank you for your reply. Would resolene change the color much when applied?
  2. Maybe i have to be a bit more patient or maybe i'm asking something that is not possible?
  3. lieuwke


    Thanx for the warm welcome! Please bear with me, i'm a complete newbie and i WILL ask (stupid) questions.
  4. Hi All, i have made a saddle for my motorcycle without any experience in leatherworking. Right now i am actually quite satisfied with how it turned out. (remember, i'm a beginner ) But now i might be facing a problem. I have made the saddle and colored it with fiebings oil dye saddle tan. So far so good, i really like the color this way. But since it's a motorcycle there's a possibility i becomes wet. Most of the time it's inside my garage, or i am riding it in nice weather conditions. I can't control the weather and it may become wet when i get caught up in a shower or while i am camping. I don't want the rain to ruin my work, but i am also worried about discoloration when i am going to apply some protective oil or other substances on it. Will the oil dye be enough protection for an occasional shower or do i need to put something on there. In that case, what is the best to use without getting discoloration? i added a picture of it so you have an idea what it looks like now. thanks in advance Regards, Martin
  5. lieuwke


    Hi All, my name is Martin Lion and i am from the Netherlands in Europe I have made a leather seat for my motorcycle and while at it i decided to make some covers for the handle bars and wet form some covers for the battery compartment covers. I really enjoyed it and noticed it really puts my mind at ease while working with leather. Alltough i have no experience and have a lot to learn, i think i have found a new hobby.
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