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  1. Thanks. I'd made a card holder previously for myself and not used any conditioner or anything to make it waterproof. I ended up forgetting I had it in my swimming trunks when I was in the Bahamas! It turned out ok, but needed a ton of drying out, maybe it was ok because it was oaked so thoroughly? It did make me wonder if I should have got something to waterproof/condition it though. Would it be best to use some kind of finisher on the cut out pieces of the wallet before I stich them together, or after it has been assembled, or wont it make much of a difference?
  2. Thanks, that's a great idea, I'll have to check out drill burnishers.
  3. Thanks. Just to be clear; that's not mine nor anything like what I'm looking at doing- just grabbed an image that shows what I meant by the cuts. At the moment mine is on one piece of leather that will be stitched afterwards.
  4. I'm using veg tan leather about 1.2-1.4mm (3-3.5 oz?) for a wallet. I've punched two holes and cut a line to make a card holder and have just tried burnishing the internal cuts (about 8cm apart). Apart from it being very fiddly and tough to get a slicker in there, does anyone have any tips on how to burnish something like that without bending the leather too much, getting gum trag on the front, and into the tiny punch holes? Or would it be better to just leave them unburnished? The cuts would be similer to these: It looks like they haven't burnished them, but if possible I'd like to. I figure it would give better protection and finish if I can manage it. Thanks
  5. I'm using veg tan leather about 1.2-1.4mm (3-3.5 oz?) for a wallet. I don't want to use dye but don't mind it darkening over time. Is there a way to avoid it getting water stained if it gets wet or liquid spills on it? Some kind of finish that won't take away from the piece? Or would any water soak in and disappear after a while? Also- I'm using a Japanese version of gum trag and it seemed to "stain" near the edges when it got onto the top side just now. Is that something that should disappear or do I need to do something like wet down the entire thing to get rid of it? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the replies, very useful
  7. If I was making something similar to this holder with 3-4oz leather, does anyone know what sort of length difference would be required between front and back? I assume that the back needs to be longer than the front, but I wonder if there is an aprox length difference for a rule of thumb or calculation based on leather thickness? Thanks
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