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Everything posted by masen

  1. Thanks just what I looked for. Best regards masen
  2. hi i saw a pink leather hide at a swedish leather shop. it was amazing exactly what i wanted, except it did have a lot of flaws. so it was not worth it. after some research i know tärnsjö did make it for kavat (childrens shoes brand). i have mailed all of the swedish leather suppliers and looked through some suppliers out of sweden. i received a huge amount of samples that looks like it on the internet but with a disappointment every time. so now i am asking you for help to find it or a similar hide. its 1.8-2mm roughly and "neon pink" and irregular surface. link to the shoe that uses the leather. observe that it look a lot smother on the pic http://i.0oo.se/20/myra.jpg this is kind of how irregular the surfes are http://www.mgleather.se/files/slide2.jpg
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