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  1. Where would be the best place to sell this saddle? Are there collectors that rework old saddles like this? After doing my art display, I only have room for one, so now need to get rid of this original Texas Tanning Hereford. Thanks.
  2. This is the other saddle. Appears to be rather old as well, but have been unable to find any manufacturer markings on it.
  3. So I'm an artist and will be doing an art show at a Western Heritage weekend. So I thought it would be cool for my display to have some old saddles. Posted an ad, bought two off this old couple for $20 each. Covered in dirt and dust. So while cleaning them this morning, discovered one is a Hereford. Stamps still fairly visible on the fenders and has the metal logo plate on back of the cantle. Stirrup leathers are laced. Has 3-4 inch wide wooden stirrups covered with tin. The latigo holder has 1006 stamped on it. Anyone have any ideas about what the approximate date would be on it?
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