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Everything posted by PEI

  1. Also small presser foot for doing harness repair. for Adler 20-2 shoepatcher
  2. Shopatcher, thanks, got the manual, I set the needle / hook as per the figure and voila works so far. I need help in fitting the right needle to the machine and job. Not sure if I have the right needle now in the machine . What I have in the machine now is a bit shorter maybe 55mm. was supposed to be for "shoepatchers" No number and it has a small hole and spear tip but is just a bit loose so had to shim to hold tight. After adjusting the hole/hook it seems to work when hand cranked. Possibilities so far, that I found info on, could be 792-160 60 mm x 2.50mm spear? or 792-200 60 mm x 2.5 mm round point. Any idea what is best for thick leather. What came out of the machine originally was a Schmitz 180 with a sort of slot down the side, it measured .100 in. dia. at the top. See picture of broken needle. 794R size 160. are available to me not too far away, anyone know if these will do? Any help appreciated
  3. Hi, can anyone provide the correct adjustments for the Adler 20? Be much appreciated, love to get this machine working.
  4. PEI

    Adler 20-2

    I have an old Adler 20-2 that "crashed" and the needle and holder were pushed out of position. Does anyone have set up / adjustment information? My wife and I have a stable and many halters needing fixing.
  5. How do I ask re help to time an Adler 20-2

    1. Constabulary


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