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    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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  1. yeaa! that was im talking about.. u know what i mean. yea i did using an awl but it took so long..guess it is the way.. at first i decide to skive the part for sewing.in order to make my punches easier.. i will try ..i failed..but i will keep on trying! sorry for my english. malaysian here.. thanks Conrad!
  2. hello there..i wanna know how u punch thru the thick leather?..for example for the card slot thru the bottom part.. i use 4 chisel prong but it was hard for me on veg tanned leather.
  3. hi there, i am really new to this thing. first of all i would like to thank this wonderful forum.. i got a question regarding on how to punch multiple thick leathers..wish i could upload the photo..hmn. this is what i did, 1.from side view, i can see it has 4 layer.. 2. i glued the part which i need to sew..it is a long wallet actually.. first try..i punch it..slightly went offside especially the bottom part of the leather.. 2 nd try..i punch the first layer..then marked the other using the original part which i had punched..took me so long and i can see that it was not accurate. do help me guys..please.. thank you
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