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    Guns, knives, long motorcycle rides, oh yeh, and leather!

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Making holsters, sheaths, cases, etc
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  1. Camano, That drill press tip is SUPER! Thank you! Man, the sharpened awl blade in my drill press made short work with those holes. There is a portion of the switch in the drill press you pull out and the power is disabled. Which I did (to stay politically correct).
  2. Hi Billy thanks for your reply. I purchased the exact carbide stone as Nigel's. Of course I do not have the ceramic/diamond stone so I used some green paste and some jeweler so rouge to sharpen my awl. It is still a problem getting through the 3 layers of shoulder although it is a dream getting through one or two layers now. May I ask you to explain a little about you like a 'broader tip than Nigel'?
  3. Hi Guys! Well, I'm back! I picked up a few things with my recent allotment. I'm not quite sure how the bills will be getting paid this month but I can stand the loss of a little weight. Anyway, I went to Tandy. I purchased their basic awl haft along with the small diamond shaped awl. When I got home I tried it on a piece of leather. It was rather difficult to get it through as well as disfiguring the leather. I stopped it on leather with some jewelry rouge for a while and it made a difference. I know if I were to work at it longer it would be even better. I did not get a pricking iron. I wish I were able but maybe next month. I am making a knife sheath for a knife I bought back in 1981 from a guy just getting started (actually I bought 3 different knives from him).The sheath it came in (he said he was not a sheath maker) had copper rivets. The knife of course has some brass. Well, as you can imagine, there was a lustrous green buildup in places. Hence, the current sheath project! Making the stitch holes through the area with the welt is giving me some difficulty. I'm wondering if maybe my awl is still not sharp enough. I really have not wanted to take a hammer to the awl. I tried it with bees wax to no avail. I do have a drill press, and I'm aware of issues with the exit holes, so that makes me a little Leary. Any ideas are always welcome!
  4. Zuludog and Camano Ridge, thank you again for such awesome responses. I certainly do not want to leave out the rest of the guys that have offered such invaluable information. I feel blessed with all of you. Prior to my health issues when I was working, I had a few extra dollars that I could have gone out from week to week and get what I needed, within reason. Now however, it is a much different story. I am going month to month pretty much existing in a one bedroom apartment. It's been 3 years since my quintuple bypass and about one year since they determined the damage to my heart and put in a defibrillator. Such is life! Anyway, after the bouts with depression and other things I decided that this leather working thing might be good for me. And it is! I think the best part is meeting such kind and giving people as yourselves. After a lot of years, I can say that most folks do not like to freely offer information. I have found I think one of the only forums that are opposite to that. Thank you again! Camano Rigde, that haft was the exact one the guy at Tandy showed me. May I ask why you went with the small blade rather than one of the others? My guess is the size of the thread and number of holes per inch. Boy, I wish I had a drill press. You should have seen the mess I made of the iPhone case I made with my imitation Dremel trying to even the edges. Well, again long winded. Sorry!
  5. Thanks for all of the great tips! So, I go to Tandy and looked around at the awls (and of course a lot of of things) and the young man that has been assisting me showed me the handle with the ferrule, and said I can buy the diamond shaped blade for it that totals about $23.00. If you agree that it is OK and I don't have to buy the $70.00 Pro model, then I'll try to squeeze it out of my next check. So, I was told that they were out of the scratch awls, and will order it from another store. They will exchange this one when it comes in probably on Wednesday. A week after, I may be able to purchase a diamond awl. The awl I have worked great on the holster I made. I saddle stitched it. I took it with me to Tandy for their thoughts and he was really impressed which surprised me. I told him of the countless hours I put in on utube. Sorry to say I have not yet watched much of Nigel, which I will remedy.
  6. Thanks guys for being so gracious and informative. I plan to head out to Tandy this morning. I sat here thinking for a moment (yes I know thinking can be dangerous lol) and I seem to recall it was more difficult on this project to push the awl through. I guess I thought maybe it was something to do with the leather. I am using 7 to 9 oz veg tan. I bought a shoulder while on sale at Tandy. So maybe it was the fact the awl was dull. I had not considered that. I hate being a newbie! But then again it's so much fun lol! The awl that I have is the Tandy 3217-00 scratch awl. I think it was like $4 or $5. May I ask what are some of the ways you sharpen them?
  7. Hello Everyone, I am an older retired guy from Ohio. I am interested in guns and knives and other guy stuff. Of course, when you find yourself in need of a holster, or a sheath, or a cell phone cover, it's not always easy on a very small fixed income to just buy or order one. Hence, here I am, introducing myself to you fine folks. I have almost completed my first project, an IWB holster for a revolver. My current project that I had just gotten to the stitching portion, is an iPhone 4 case. So here I am using my awl to punch holes on this bright sunny Sunday (if you recall, I live in Ohio where the sun can be a rarity) and BAM the handle comes off of my Tandy awl! I guess I'll have to make a trip to Tandy Leather tomorrow to replace it. I'm just getting started in leatherwork and as you all know, purchasing the tools to get started can be overwhelming, especially on a fixed budget, so I have made many very recent purchases from Tandy, as well as Hobby Lobby, and Others. I guess I have two questions! Is there a way to repair the awl? And, is there maybe a different suggestion as to the awl to purchase? Sorry for being long winded!
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