Hello Everyone,
I am an older retired guy from Ohio. I am interested in guns and knives and other guy stuff. Of course, when you find yourself in need of a holster, or a sheath, or a cell phone cover, it's not always easy on a very small fixed income to just buy or order one. Hence, here I am, introducing myself to you fine folks.
I have almost completed my first project, an IWB holster for a revolver. My current project that I had just gotten to the stitching portion, is an iPhone 4 case. So here I am using my awl to punch holes on this bright sunny Sunday (if you recall, I live in Ohio where the sun can be a rarity) and BAM the handle comes off of my Tandy awl! I guess I'll have to make a trip to Tandy Leather tomorrow to replace it. I'm just getting started in leatherwork and as you all know, purchasing the tools to get started can be overwhelming, especially on a fixed budget, so I have made many very recent purchases from Tandy, as well as Hobby Lobby, and Others.
I guess I have two questions! Is there a way to repair the awl? And, is there maybe a different suggestion as to the awl to purchase?
Sorry for being long winded!