Uwe and dikman Sincere thanks for your feedback. The machine looked so "pretty" no real worn out marks on the paint (see photo)....so I took the plunge and bought it. My new learning adventure begins!
The guy selling it didn't even know how to thread it correctly so it couldn't give a consistent stitch. I knew we just had to play with the tensions but he didn't want to be bothered..... I figured I'll bring it home and learn my way around it. I oiled a bit, played with the tensions and got it to stitch nicely. Got it for $500.
I made a "to do" list ( at 2am) of things I need to learn/repair/purchase for this machine.....if anyone wants to give their opinions/ advice/ warnings I would be very grateful.
1) find the manual for the New Tech servo motor as suggested by Dikman....or at least a motor similar to it....So far I learned that "R" on the box means reverse....so "M" means forward???? Can't seem to find the manual online.
2) purchase the correct type of oil and grease to do a deeper cleaning ...the manual is hard to see exactly what to oil so I downloaded the Pfaff 1245 manual it's clearer to see. So far I have kerosene, Tri Flow, and Lily White oil....any better suggestions?
3)get over my fear of taking the bobbin case apart to clean...need to purchase a microscopic screwdriver to remove the gib. I read something about a bad thread jam costing hundreds of dollars to replace bobbin case..scary! I also read about resetting the safety catch that protects the bobbin case in case of a jam. Still trying to identify where that safety thingy is in case I need to reset it.
4)purchase a caliper to measure millimeters, the 1245 manual goes into detail how to set all the proper distances needle height, racer hook, tension disc etc back to factory standards....would I be getting in over my head if I tried to do this at home? What kind of gadget measures that?
5) learn how to lower and grease the knee lift (see photo below) or maybe have to replace. It's rusty, very stiff and sits too high
6) rusty bobbin winder..can it be cleaned? ...It's rusty but still works, but can it affect the way the thread is wound on bobbin?
7) maybe change the motor belt.. it seems a little frayed and pinched in some areas (see photo below)
8) decipher the needle bar height needle system connection. the seller told me the repair shop adjusted it to take 135....but it normally takes 190. I'm assuming he's talking about the length of the needles, it came with both type of needles but I'm trying to understand what's what...
9) it also came with some binder attachments that I need to figure out are they for leather or fabric, double fold, single fold, I use bias binding in regular home sewing, but does leather have a bias?? I searched this attachment set online and they seam to have a plate that screws into the bed of machine...gotta track that down if I need it...I do want to do binding.
Thanks for letting me organize my thoughts on this forum. And for all the expert input. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to someone else's learning experience one day.
This is an invaluable resource for the stitching community !
not letting me attach photos....I'll try again