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Everything posted by Jessi22

  1. Hi all, I'm brand new to this community and the sewing world in general. I was inspired a few months ago to pick up this trade and have been trying to do some research online, on my own. Luckily, I came across LW.net! I have a few extremely "newbie" questions. Forget all the other newbie posts you've read. This one will definitely win Newbie of the Year. Here I go; 1. I've decided to skip the sewing courses and learn on my own. I haven't had much luck finding sewing courses offered in English in my area and absolutely no luck finding a sewing course showing how to sew with leather. I've thought about taking the sewing courses (offered in my second language) just to learn the basics of sewing and how a sewing machine works but all the ones I've found are to learn how to sew clothing, which I'm not interested in. To date, I've purchased a few classes on Craftsy, where a teacher shows you how to fabricate your targeted project. The videos are actually a lot better than what you'd think or expect. They're very informative and you really get to see how to do what you need to do. I've also been watching videos on YouTube and so on. Now..what do you think? I feel like this trade can easily be self-taught. 2. My project: I'll be recycling leather jackets into bags. The bag, however, will not just be made entirely of leather. I'll be incorporating other fabrics onto the bag as well, such as cotton, denim, and so on. i) That being said, what tools are required for this type of project? Where do I start? (from the type of thread to use, to the type of needle, to ... everything else) ii) I heard you can't use the same type of sewing machine to sew different types of leather projects. If this is true, what should I do in this case, seeing as I'm working with multiple types of materials? 3. The most important tool of all; the sewing machine. Do you have any specific brands/makes to recommend for this type of project? Please be detailed with your responses. Do as if you're speaking/teaching a 10 year old . Thank you all in advance!
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