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Everything posted by drof99

  1. Thanks for the comments guys. I've got another questions for you. Twin, I looked at the link you posted for the holster that you made. It looks like a different holster completely. You are folding the leather around the gun from what I can tell. I'm doing something a little different. I'm making two seperated halves and then putting them together. I like both styles. I've got enough leather to make one like you did. I'll give that a try in a couple days when work allows. Do you find one advantage over the other? I take it that is what you are using the file folder pattern for. Placing the sites in the crease and then tracing that on side of the folder then the other. Then you decide on the overall shape and draw that on the folder as well. Am I understanding this right? After that you just place it on the leather and cut it out. Hopefully I'm gettin this right. When the holster is together the place where the sites where is at the very front side of the holster. What is the extra leather on the top. Not the sweatshield but the piece that wraps around from the front to the side? Is that to help keep the holster open after drawing or does it even serve a purpose? Thanks again for answering all my questions.
  2. Hey twin that does help alot. I didn't cement the two halves together. Sounds like that is pretty important. Can I just buy any contact cement or do I need to use something made for leather? I would also like to have round edges instead of the beveled edge that the tandy tool gives. I don't see that tandy has a round bevel tool though.
  3. Alright guys here is the holster I have been working on. I like the shape and fit around the gun but would like to improve on the edges and the general overall shape. Like to make it a little more uniform and smoother.
  4. Thanks for the responses guys. I have a couple of more questions for you. Is using the file folder to get the shape of the gun? What do you use to get the outside of the holster, if that makes any sense. Not the part where the gun is but the general outline or shape of the edge of the holster. The one I made just doesnt have the right roundness to it I'm looking for. Hopefully you are getting what I'm saying. I actually used a vacuum sealer to get the shape of the gun. It formed the shape of the gund perfectly. Do you guys gouge your lines for the stiches before you assemble the two sides? Do you also use the overstitch wheel before assembly also? What about the edges themselves? Are they formed and beveled before assembly again? I think once I can figure out how to form the shape of the holster (not where the gun goes) then I'll be doing alot better. I also need to work on my stitches. Some of them didn't come out quite right. I think I didn't go straight through and got off on an angle. What kind of point should be used on the stitching awl? Right now I am using just a plain round one. Should I be using a diamond tip instead? Thanks again for all the help. I'm sure I'll be asking alot of questions.
  5. My name is Ryan and I stumbled across this site last night and had to sign up. I have never done any type of leather work before and just became interested. This site has peaked that even more. I am from Iowa. I really got interested because I want to make my own holsters. These will be just for my use, not really looking to make a career out of it. I just like to do things for myself and its rare these days to find someone willing to put in the time, instead of dropping a few dollars and having someone do it for them. Not that there is anything wrong with that but its just not me. As of this time I'm really only interested in holsters and belts, but that may change as well. I've got a post in the holster section that I need some help with. I'm working on my first one and will post a pic when I'm finished.
  6. Glad I stumbled across this site. Looks like there is a lot that can been learned here. I have never done any leatherwork before. I was looking to buy a holster for my new handgun and found the lead time is just crazy. The prices are also a little high. I also like to do things for myself and thought I might give this a try. I have started to work on a holster for my Springfield but am having some trouble. I don't really know how to make my pattern. I can come up with something but it is not very flowing if you know what I mean. It just doesn't look very smooth around the corners and such. I'm looking for some suggestions as how to form the holster. I tried to do it with plastic around the gun and then soaked my leather and put it in a vacuum sealer. It formed very nicely to the gun. The problem I am having is after that how to shape the outside of the holster. I am trying to make a belt holster for concealed carry. After I get the hang of things I will try to make an inside the waistband holster. I couldn't get the back and front to match up perfectly like I would like. I don't know if I doing everything in the right order as well. If someone could list the steps they think are the best from beginning to end that would also be a big help. From reading some of the posts here I can see I need a few more tools as well. I do have a tandy store I can get too. Is there a better place online to order tools. I saw a tool made my Osbourne for rounded edges instead of the tandy tool that is flat. I prefer the osbourne and would like to find those instead. I know that I aske alot and am greatful for your help. Even though the holster I have been working on isn't that good it has been fun. My wife says that I am my worst critique. When I finish stiching it and edging it I'll try to post a pic.
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