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Everything posted by drof99

  1. Great looking seat! the color looks very nice as well does the carving. Someone is going to be very happy.
  2. Hmmmm?...... Who do we know that is a lefty, has a revolver, and needs a holster? Hmmmm? Oh ya me! I saw the other one and it looks good to. Like this one as well. Glad to see that you got it. I'm looking forward to the oil pic and the completed set. I'll be watching for it.
  3. Thanks for all the tips guys. I'd love to have an electric machine but its just not in the budget right now. I won't be able to buy one of these new. I need to look for a good used one. If anyone know of one or has one please pass it my way. Sounds like the Artisan is the way to go after I get a little more scratch saved up. Thanks again!
  4. Does anyone have any experience with the hand stitching machines? I've seen one in Tandy's catalog for around $1500. I was looking at finding one of these used. I sew holsters and sheaths mostly. I don't make alot of these right now because I just don't have the time for all the hand sewing. I would think that someone could find a used one for a lot less money. The leather I'm using now is around 8 to 9 oz weight. Do these do quality jobs? Anyone have on of these used that they would be willing to get rid of or know of a place to get them?
  5. I really like the first one. The leather itself looks really nice and smooth. Is that holster handsewn? The sewing on it looks really nice as well. I'm always impressed with you work.
  6. Looks good to me. I bet that kid is really happy. You said you wanted to form the holster to the gun more. In my opinion it looks perfect as it is. Remember cowboy style holsters were not fitted as much as newer holster are. I've seen some that people wet mold tightly to the gun and I don't believe that it looks right to me. I wouldn't change anything.
  7. Looks great! Mind if I ask what you used to dye and what color? I've been looking for a color for some time now that I like and that looks to fit the bill.
  8. Wow, I love those. Its funny you posted those. I just picked some stuff up and made a bunch of wristbands for the kids, real simple stuff. These are begging for a leason. Any chance I can talk you into puttin one together for us?!
  9. Set looks great! Nice job. Will does have some nice patterns. I'm lucky enough to live where he does and buy my leather from the same store as him. I've also had the luxury of taking classes from him. It was a very small class and alot of fun. He is very entertaining. He even played a little harmonica for us and told some stories.
  10. I am using 8/9 oz leather to make my holsters. They turn out good for as long as I have been doing it. The inside of the holster is a little ruff. What can you do to smooth out the inside? I have been thinking of going a little lighter on holster material and lining the inside with a light weight leather. Is that the way to go for a better look? If that is the case what weight is best for the holster and the lining? What kind of cement would you use to get the two to stay together? Would you just line the area that gun sits in or the whole thing? If anyone has some pics of lines holsters I'd like to see a few. Thank for the help.
  11. Regis I am interested in how you use the press to form. Can you give some more details how you do this? Surely you don't put your gun inside the press to form it or do you? Any way to get some pics going as well. Thanks alot.
  12. Very nice looking set! Your buddy should be proud to wear that. I have a question for you. What is the screw between the mags? I assume that it is to adjust tension. How do you install something like and what hardware do you use?
  13. I really like that border. Can you post pic of the tool? I've been looking for something like that at Tandy but haven't found it. Where did you get yours, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. I have been hand sewing all my stuff together. I have really enjoyed making holsters and would like to be able to make more. Hand sewing for me is the worst part. Right now I am using 8-9 oz leather for my holsters. I am looking for suggestions as what to buy for a machine. I would like to be able to sew the holsters without having to worry if I can make it through the leather. Most times it is just folded over once but I'm looking at a new design that I might have to sew through 3 layers of 8-9 oz. What size of motor would I need for that or how do you tell the "size" of the machine. What do the machines go by to tell how thick they can sew? What are the other basic stuff I should know about before looking around. I wish I had a grand to spend but I just don't. I'm looking for something used in good shape so I can save money. Where are good places to look for used machines? Does anyone know of any good books for sewing leather with machines? I know that I'm asking alot of questions but before sewing leather I couldn't even sew a button on. You will have to talk to me very basic because I know nothing about these machines.
  15. Thanks for all the help. That is the same kit I bought Regis. Thanks for putting the pic up for me, it helps alot. I think I just need a little more practice to make them look like your snaps.
  16. Thanks for the pic. That is exactly what I was looking for. If you have time Regis could you post a pic of the tools you used to install those snaps? That would also be a big help.
  17. I wasn't quite sold on the color but it is growing on me. I bought the dye from Tandy. It is Fiebing's Tan. Thanks for the comments.
  18. I posted my first holster some time ago here. Here is a picture of my second try. I personally like the shape of the second better. It also wears a little easier. I'm not yet sold on the color for sure buts its ok. Let me know if you guys see some things for me to improve one. Hopefully the pic works.
  19. Ya, Regis if you can post a pic for me. That would help alot. If you can try and get a closeup of the part that you hit on both sides to flare out to hold on the snap. thanks
  20. I believe that I do have the correct setter. I bought one from Tandy for line 24 snaps. After the last post I think that the leater might be a little thick. I am using 8/9 oz leather with the line 24 snaps. If someone can post a pic the part you set for the snap that might help me. Thanks for all the help guys.
  21. I can get them to go together but the part that I am supposed to smash or flare out doesn't look good. It is not uniform and I end up hitting it several times to flare it out. Even then I don't think that it "looks" good. I am guessing that it should look uniform, hopefully someone can post a pic of a completed 24 snap. I'm really looking to get a pic of the part you hit. Thanks for the help.
  22. Can someone please give me an idea of how to install line 24 snaps? If possible pics would really help alot. Pics of before setting and pics after the install would also be a big help. I keep ruining snaps and don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  23. I am trying to make a my Springfield and am having trouble. I'm looking for a couple suggertions. I can draw the shape of the holster I like and cut it out but when I try to form the holster it is then too small. I understand that the gun is taking up some of the room and making the holster "shrink". Is there a good way to account for this when cutting out the holster. I'm trying to make a pancake style not the wrap around one. I also want to have the belt loops built in, not sewed on the back. This might be a strange question but do you form the holster before or after you sew the two halves together? I've seen some that sew it first. What is the best way to form the holster to the gun? I think the biggest problem I'm having is getting the pattern right for the holster.
  24. Thanks for the responses guys. I was getting upset yesterday and just had to get away from it. Jordan be sure and put those pics up, I'm interested. Once you do find the pattern you like, how do you keep it so you can make that pattern again? I've some people make a cookie cutter stlye thing.
  25. I'm starting to get a little frustrated with myself over a pattern. I've posted one other holster here that turned out ok and am trying to make another. I want to take my time and make this one good. I'm still having trouble coming up with a pattern that I like. I am trying to make a outside waistband holster. I'm not looking to make one that folds around the gun. I looking more for a pancake style holster. What is the best way to come up with a pattern? I would like it to come out pretty even on both sides and have belt holes built into the holster, not sewn on the back. I want the holster to be open where the muzzle is but not have the muzzle exposed much. This is giving me alot of trouble. I can get the shape I like but when I try to form it to the gun it ends up wrong. Also I have seen several people that have metal cookie cutter style patterns. I would like to make one of these. What and how does one go about making one of these? I've also seen some blue plastic guns where do these come from? How much do they cost? Hopefully I can get some ideas for my pattern, I had to put it all away to get a break. Gets a little frustrating for me. By the way if it matters the gun I'm trying to form for is a Springfield XD. Can anyone tell me if the holster book by Al is good for these sort of guns or is it geared towards cowboy guns? I'll get it tomorrow if it will help.
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