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Everything posted by jtollison

  1. Thanks for the helpful information! Even as a beginner I could tell a difference between the two brands. I've heard fiebings will ship to CA for shoe makers as they are not reselling the product, Does anyone in CA know if this rings true? I have a business account so looking to find a way to get fiebings without driving out of state And bringing it back myself.
  2. Thanks art, ca doesnt allow fiebings to ship, or allow sale of alot of their products in CA due to voc regulations. Basically a bunch of b.s. as I'm allowed to use the product, as well as bring the product into CA. It makes absolutely no sense but it is what it is at the moment. I understand the effect of the neat lac to the antique, I guess the best question I have going forward is.. What is the best option (if any) to obtain uniform color on the piece now that I have finish under the resist? Remove the resist and antique the whole piece (if even possible), or try and remove the antique and re apply the resist if even possible. Or scrap it and not sleep trying to cut and tool a new piece in the next day and a half
  3. That's pretty much what I was terribly afraid of. I had some fiebings antique but I just ran out, and j live in CA which doesn't allow to be sold or delivered here. I'm trying to find a round about to get it as I heard it can be sold to certain leather workers. Is it possible to remove the neat lac and apply the antique to the whole piece? Or am I basically S.O.L... Pretty much willing to try anything and willing to darken the whole piece if necessary
  4. So this year I'm making a last minute Christmas present for my wife. A buckle shadow box with a leather front. It's all last minute and I just started learning to tool leather so bear with my beginner abilities. Anyways long story short the pics show how my project looks after applying ecoflo gel antique med brown over 2 coats of neat lac I applied last night. My late father in law was a saddle maker and I still have over a half gallon of it. I've never done much more than decorative borders on some wood frames, and this was my first attempt at any floral type pattern. I really need some help from the neat lac experts as to if this can be fixed, or if it can be stripped, covered up, anything . kind of shitty I feel like I got a half way decent job on the tooling and now this. The bottom image shows what it looked like before I applied the antique. Thanks for any help!
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