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  1. Bob, What size motor pulley for a 3-1 SR and needle positioner are you recommending? I am using a 45mm and it works great expect for the needle positioner which errors out after one or two turns. Motor came with a 75mm which I replaced when I added the SR2. Thanks, Billy
  2. So did a larger motor pulley allow it to work?
  3. Yeah I was surprised too. Pfaff main HQ (Germany) referred me to their partner; DAP America Inc., 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Suite 220, Norcross, GA 30092 which then referred me to Dixie Sewing Machine site. So really it is the partner that gave the referral but I think either they use it themselves and/or provide that site to their customers because his email response was fairly quick and through all my google searches I never found that site on my own. Glad to share for all!
  4. Here's the link the 337-734 (1985 revision) http://dixiesewingmachine.tzo.com/MANUALS/PFAFFSERVICE/337(10-85.pdf 337-734(10-85).pdf Here is a link to a lot of parts and service manuals for industrial sewing machines, many manufactures. http://dixiesewingmachine.tzo.com/SUPPORT.htm
  5. Thanks Constabulary. I had found those newer manuals but wasn't sure how much they changed in 30 plus years so I was trying my best to find an old version and have since done so. I emailed Pfaff in Germany and they pointed me back to their partner here in USA which quickly provided me with the downloadable pdf. English translation of the 1985 version of the service manual isn't the best when comparing to the newer version of the 337 Justieranleitung (01.06.2009) but it is good enough. Most of the adjustment measurements seem to be the same but I have only done a quick flipped through.
  6. Hello everyone, I am looking to see if anyone has documents for an old model (1980s) Pfaff 337-734/01 sewing machine. All I can find and have downloaded are the PDFs for the parts and parts for the subclass but no user manual nor adjustment manuals. I found the Nähmaschine Justieranleitung on www.ebay.de but it has been sold already. Documents requested in either German or English (doesn't matter to me which one) Nähmaschine Justieranleitung Pfaff 337-734/01 (Adjustment / Service Manual) Betriebsanleitung Pfaff 337-734/01 (Operating Manual) Thanks, Billy
  7. Thanks Uwe and I wasn't thinking when I posted under the 335 post. However during lunch I was able to find your post that had the pdf for An Introduction to the Pfaff Numbering System which I wish I had found a few weeks ago! It has a lot of the answers I have tried to find over the past few weeks. I think the 337 will be ok for now for what I'm wanting to do with it and if I come across a 335 I'll know what to look for. Billy
  8. Anyone know the max stitch length an old Pfaff 337-734/01 2/21-921/01 900/51 BS N 36 is supposed to be able to do? It seems I can only get 3mm max and would like it to be closer to 5mm? Is there a way to adjust it or is that the limit of the old Pfaff 337-734? Thanks, Billy
  9. Uwe, Would these Pfaff 335 manuals be similar to a Pfaff 337-734 as I just purchased a 337-734 from Techsew and looking for manuals while waiting for it to come? Thanks, Billy
  10. Thanks Wiz! I'm still looking at one of these for sewing 6oz plus projects and will look at a smaller unit for the wallet interiors.
  11. Hi Wiz, What are you calling thin/light stuff using #92 thread in leather weight? Are you meaning less than 6 oz or you meaning 6 to 8 oz? Thanks Billy Flying Bear Leather Works
  12. Off topic a bit. I'm looking at a CB3200 as it can handle most of the things I currently hand sew but not sure if it can sew thread #69 and 3 oz leather (wallet inserts) as the specs seem to be all over the place depending on who's website you go to. Can the CB sew 3 oz leather (two layers of 1.5 oz)? I'm not making stuff at a full time rate but other on the side here and there so trying to narrow down the search for a machine. Thanks, Billy
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