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Everything posted by jochild

  1. I have a Techsew 2700 that I bought used. I have oiled it a few times based on what I can see from the poorly copied instructions I received with the machine, but am not sure I'm hitting every oiling location. Does anyone have a better version of the manual or a video that shows how to lubricate the machine? Much appreciated! Jonathan
  2. I let a friend use my Techsew 2700 to sew some projects. He accidentally let the lower thread get sucked down and I believe he engaged the safety clutch. After getting the thread out I also noticed there was a small burr on the rotary hook. I looked in the manual to see how to reset the timing, and could not understand how the thing worked. So my questions are: 1) How do I use the safety clutch to reset the timing, and how will I know if it has been reset? 2) Do I need a new rotary hook, or can I just sand out the burr. Thanks for the help!
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