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Status Replies posted by Mavusani

  1. Can anyone tell me what product is very good for waterproofing veg tan dog collars? I am using Aussie conditioning cream as a last step before they are sent out the door. Is there a better conditioner as well?

    1. Mavusani


      Hi BJP, I have found a mixture of 1 part beeswax, 1 part candle wax and 1 part turpentine (heated in bain marie) and then applied to warm leather very successful. I usually put all my veg tanned and dyed holsters into the oven for a few minutes at about 70 deg Celcius then brush on the mixture. Once on, I then return to the oven to allow the wax to be absorbed into the leather. A quick cooling off and a good buff results in a totally waterproof and sealed product....try a test piece and see i...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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