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About Maria

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    New Member

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none-complete amateur
  • Interested in learning about
    workshops in calgary or apprenticing?
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    searched leatherwork calgary

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  1. Well thank you for that welcome! Mostly what I'm interested in is handbags, purses, wallets, bracelets, that sort of thing, even belts perhaps-accessories I think more than clothing, at least right now. I'm pretty comfortable with sewing/fabric work but I'm interested to see what can be done with leather and how!! A gorgeous material with so many possibilities-and so accessible it seems here locally with a few good leather shops around. I will check on this forum and the templates as Mike suggested, this seems like a great place for learning! I'll also give Tandy a call soon to check to see if they are indeed holding a workshop there as Jim suggested-which would be ideal! Thanks Ken, Mike and Jim for your help! And I'll keep you posted with what I find ! Maria
  2. Hey -I'm relatively new to Calgary AB and I have noticed a few of you are from here-does anyone know of a leatherworker in town who might be holding workshops or sessions? I am absolutely a beginner (I've got an awl and a bag of scrap leather pieces) but I'd like to get a feel for things with a teacher of sorts, or just somebody who has been doing it for awhile...Any ideas? Thanks! Maria
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