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  1. Thanks. He's the man. Found an earlier thread. I believe you were involved that that thread with the solution.
  2. Aven, thank you. I found the info.
  3. It can be used in a foot press or hand press. Same concept but different methods of powering it
  4. South Alabama Holes are set for 1/2". Punches are set at 1" on this one
  5. I'm hoping someone here recognizes this belt end punch and might know who makes them. I had a contact I was purchasing these and the consumables from but he has passed away. I believe he told me he was getting them from an Amish gentleman. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob
  6. I have a customer wanting the zipper and toe on a soft long gun case replaced. The toe is made of a rubbery / plastic material. I've never dealt with these toes. Nor do I know where to get them (this one is tearing). Any help on replacing the toe and where I might get the toe would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! PS I tried to insert images but keep getting error message stating I'm limited to 1.46MB. My .jpg is only 44KB
  7. If the machine is still available, I'd like to take a look at it. I'm in Robertsdale so I'm close by. My email is bhale@netscape.com. Send me your number and I'll call to arrange a time to come over. If you have any other items to sell, send me a listing of what you have. Thanks,
  8. Hello all, I've had a request for a keychain that I think used to be somewhat popular. It was basically a key hook with a leather fob behind the keys which kept the keys from rubbing against the pants. I know I used to see the kit in the Tandy catalog. I don't recall how the hook and fob connected. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Bob
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