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About Paz

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  • Location
    New Mexico

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Jackets, Hand Bags
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    internet search
  1. First thank all of you for you're incredible knowledge and your willingness to share it. I have a 205 MO 2-1 which is a heavy duty moccasin machine. I want to use it for making handbags. I now know that it does not have reverse, it uses needles the size of my arm figuratively speaking. I heard that There are needle shims to make it possible to fit smaller needles but I can not find them any where. it would also seem that Adler only has manufactured one type of presser foot for it. The pressed foot has a super long shaft and really gnarly teeth on the bottom, and only has one side, excuse my lack of technical vernacular. My question is would it be able to some how retrofit parts from another 205 to make it reverse? where to find any of those needle shims I've heard you guys speak of. Also, any suitable presser foot replacements that can be used. I will also have to get back you on the literal dimensions of the foot. Or would it be better to cut my losses and get a different machine ? I paid a $1000 for it with a table and motor. It's an Adler and built more solid than I've ever seen but it's been a nightmare to get any information on any aspect of it. To whom it may concern thank you for your help beforehand
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