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Everything posted by Doubledamage

  1. Thanks so much! That is exactly what I wanted to achieve.
  2. Looks great and functional. The lacing looks great. I have entered this most addicting craft of leather later than I should have but will never go back
  3. Greetings all. Wanted to see if there are any recommendations for leather dye block out there. I saw ecoflo on a Tandy video but couldn't find it for sale anywhere. Maybe there is something else that is commonly used? Thanks!
  4. That is some excellent advice. Some patience, considering I'm putting numerous hours into tooling designing, cutting, and tooling, would be well served. Also it seems every piece of leather has it's own unique personality when it comes to taking dye or tooling. Thank you!
  5. Thank you, that helps out a lot!
  6. I'm new to leather crafting and using a blog. If this should be posted elsewhere please advise. I tried running a search with no luck. I'm making leather greaves of veg tan cow hide. Stencils and cuts are done, tooling to be done soon. As it is relatively flat I will be wet forming it to fit around my leg so I wondered if I should: dye it first, then wet form? wet form, then dye? (I think this might be the way to go) or other suggestions? I'm using kelly green fiebings for the majority of it but I have a stag in the middle I would like to keep a lighter color maybe use the color block stuff and some hi light for the tooling recesses? Attached is the greave to be worked on and bracers I did that it will be matching. Thanks for any input!
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