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Everything posted by kamac

  1. Thanks for all the feedback. I have learned alot lurking here and looking at the great work posted by everyone. The color is one that I finally think looks "right". I have been using the dyes full strength, so even "Light Brown" is almost black. My current carry holster is the same pattern, finished with just neatsfoot oil and sunshine, and it has a nice mellow color. For this one I just added some Mahogany dye to a small bottle of oil and wiped on a couple of coats. I'll use it this weekend for an IDPA shoot, see if I get any dye rub off.
  2. Here are some pics of a IWB for my G23 that I finished up today. Comments / critiques welcome. Made from 6/7 oz Tandy leather. Hand stitched. Fielblings Mahogany mixed w/ neatsfoot oil, then coated w/ Resolene. Thanks for looking.
  3. Here are a couple of pics of my latest efforts. I have been refining my pattern for OWB, and think I have it just about right. The mag carrier is something I saw on the net and copied. It works well, and I like that it is made from one piece of leather. This is also my 1st attempt at basket weave. Everything is made from Tandy 6-7 oz shoulder, Fieblings Light Brown dye, and Super Sheen for finish. Let me know what you think. Thanks
  4. Randy, Thanks, that was an accident that turned out pretty well. Next time I will make that a double layer, to make it look more finished.
  5. Here are a couple of new holsters that have made it out of my shop: Keltec PF-9 IWB and pocket spare mag pouch: Glock 27 pancake and spare mag carrier: My thanks to all of the posters here, I have learned a lot in a short time by reading and burning thru my 1st shoulder of leather. Kevin
  6. Thought I would post some pictures of my latest efforts. IWB for a G27. This was my 2nd holster, 1st using veg tanned leather, and 1st attempt at hand stitching. A bit rough, but funtional. My 1st knife sheath. The knife is decent for the money, but the nylon sheath that comes with it is terrible. This is the 3rd holster that I have made, and I am pretty happy with it. Now I just have to figure out how to make the stitching look good on both sides. Thanks for looking.
  7. I ran across this site today, and it looks like I will be spending a lot of time reading up. I haven't done anything with leather since making "crafts" in summer camp many moons ago, so be gentle. This is my attempt at a IWB for my Kel-Tec PF-9. The leather is from 2 of the "Latigo Remnants" bags from Michaels, so I have no idea as to the correct classification of it. Snaps and rivets were what was available, so thats what I went with. I will be reasearching/buying some better tools in the near future. So far it rides ok, retention is good, but comfort could be better.
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