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Everything posted by jockey

  1. Hei mate you may find a heat gun dosnt heat the tool up enough I’m based at rainford near St Helens your welcome to stop by my shop and I’ll help you all I can regards Tony custom Race Tack
  2. Hei Neil I’m in north west my email is info@customracetack email me on there iv got loads of scrap leather I’ll send you some peices the right substance to make a wallet regards Tony
  3. Thanks you should try one if you need any help or advice feel free to message me Tony
  4. Made this saddle for a local training yard, they have ordered more so I'm guessing they like it Thanks for looking Tony
  5. Hei yes it's lined with soft brown suede I make prob 70 to 80dog collars a month and we line everything with suede Best regards Tony
  6. Thus is my latest dog collar just a plain whippet collar with inlaid diamonds in British racing green I think it looks neat what do you all think Best regards to all Tony
  7. Hei Paul I live I. Ormskirk west Lancashire and I have a cylinder arm machine that I'm not using it's a singer too so you shouldn't lack for spare parts I find the machine too big for the work that I do send me a message if you interested and I'll send you some pictures Cheers Tony
  8. Hei Emma I'm Tony and I live in Ormskirk so I'm not a million miles from you I'm a saddle maker and general leather worker if you need any help or advice just send me a message iv got tons of bag type leather of all different types if you ever need any Best regards Tony
  9. Hei thanks for replies everybody thanks for enlightening me as to what a tag is ha yes they are machined stitched and your right they would be better if they were edged but when the customer gives you a top end budget you can only do so much before you end up doing them for nothing Best wishes Tony
  10. Hei Lavendara I'd like to be able to say yes you can still attach tags to them but I. Not sure what you mean by a tag ha Best regards Tony
  11. Hope you ladies and gentlemen like these feel free to critic started with 8oz natural shoulder airbrushed with spirit dye finished with tan kote Best wishes Tony
  12. Hei the length is 15 inches from middle of buckle to the point of the strap Best regards Tony
  13. A selection of whippet collars and leads recently made for a customer in London
  14. Hei thanks for your interest I set the stones by cutting a narrow groove into the leather then just whip stitch over every third stone with clear transparent thread I use feibings spirit dye to color but the white comes pre dyed from the tannery Best regards Tony
  15. Just made these dog collars for customer I found the jewels off an old ladies necklace in a charity shop Comments appreciated Regards Tony
  16. Hei they are whippet collars
  17. Thanks mate I see your from Oldham I live in Ormskirk not far from you
  18. These are items I have made recently for customers what do you guys think
  19. hei Bob there is a large ring fixed to the back strap ill try to upload more pics the color is from a simple bottle of acrylic paint from my local art store thinned down with water and airbrushed on I used to live in Sweden at Taby near Stockholm loved it regards Tony
  20. Hei this is my latest dog harness what do you all think ? best wishes for new year Tony from England
  21. hei just logged back in after long absence hope everbody ok weather terrible here in England



      From what we hear here, that is the norm. Is it ever really nice =)

  22. Thanks foryour comments its nice to get a reply from someone who lives not that far away from me regards Tony [jockey]
  23. hei this is a cross between a western and an english bridle what do you think regards Tony
  24. Hei I have just done one of these here in England, the main prob I can see you having is that to do this properly you need the horse and rider there so you can keepadjusting the flocking to get the fit right, If your just adding flocking to it and really with an old stubben there should be no need to take all the old flocking out unless something drastic has happend to it, you can add more flocking and adjust it without taking the saddle apart at all, if you lift up the flaps you should see two slits in the top of the panel where you can add new flocking. As a general rule of thumb you should be able to get three fingers between the horses withers and the the saddle at the pommel with the rider sitting in place and if you stand behind the horse and look through the centre gullet of the saddle you should be able to see daylight through, then you know that if nothing else at least the riders weight is not resting on the horses spine, hope this helps a bit best regards Tony
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