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About teched

  • Birthday 01/11/1974

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    Forestport, NY
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  1. You are probably right. I have had this machine about three years and have about 6 hours of sewing time on it.
  2. The original needle that come with machine got broke...but not after a lot of abuse from a novice like myself. I found these needles in the drawer with a bunch of stuff. I have broke two since with a lot less abuse. I'm wondering if there could be a quality issue with these needles.
  3. Thank you Sir! I will give that a look. The last thing I sewed was a box cushion and I did smack the feed dog a few times trying to make too tight of a curve.
  4. They seam to be sharp when I stab them into my finger.
  5. Not sure. Package says 135x17 DPx17 Groz -Beckert They came with machine.
  6. Could it be the needle? Works ok through a couple layers of vinyl. Maybe the thread I think it's v90.
  7. Hi guys and gals, need some help. Been using my 111w 155 for a while and she's been doing great! I just got into some 5 layers of denim and shes cutting my needle thread in just 1 or two stitches. Any thoughts?
  8. Definitely going with Toledo as Wiz suggested. You are right! I did not mean to advertise for this other company. Just cut and pasted from Fleabay. Thanks and I hope to get back on my machine soon.
  9. $139.00 free Shipping * SPEED 0 to 4000 RPM * Switch, Cord, and Plug Included * Built In 6v Light Socket * Uses Standard Holes As Other Industrial Sewing Motors * High Torque Motor * Quiet Operation * Belt Guard Included * Suitable For Heavier Applications * Lightweight Motor * 3/4 HP, Single Phase, 110 Volts * 600 Watts
  10. Thanks for the info. I kind of figured that some one would have figured out how to reverse the motor if it would make it sew in reverse. There are many different people selling Servo motors on Ebay. The motor look almost identical and more than likely are made in the same China factory. Do you people recommend a manufacturer or seller? I'm looking at the $100 to $150 motors.
  11. Hello Everyone! Been a while since I have been on here. Summer has me very busy with other projects, but with the crispness of Fall in the air my attention has swung back to my sewing. I admit that I have not been practicing at all with the old Singer and need to get back at it. I initially got a little scared because of the high speed and would like to slow the old girl down. I plan on trying the reduction of the motor pulley first and with probably end up with a servo motor, but this got me thinking. First question is and this will probably squelch the rest of my idea. If I reverse the direction of the motor on my Singer 111w155 will it sew in reverse? Or will I get a big rats nest. Thanks
  12. I will scan the Parts book and the Light Fixture info I have on Monday when I'm at work.
  13. https://youtu.be/71DPLtqpRds I found this video and at the 8 minute mark he shows a 4 ways of locking the stitch. I like the start sewing with the foot up slightly to stop the material from moving, then drop the foot and take off.
  14. Thanks to Uwe for helping me get out there. ENJOY!! http://docs.uwe.net/Singer-Class-111-Instructions.pdf
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