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About tardis86

  • Birthday June 26

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    Pittsburgh, pa
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  • Interested in learning about
    holster making, belt making, things and stuff

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  1. Can you link to what you are referring to? I think I know, but I want to make sure I get the right one. I have no problem using an old school method. Usually less things to break.
  2. id like to make a wallet and most if not all the videos i see use heat to finish the edge of thin leather.(like for the card slots and etc) every time i try to burnish thin leather, i completely distort it and it looks like garbage. I even have the dremel attachments for burnishing. I also cant justify one of those creasing iron things for a few hundred dollars at this point for something i do as an occasional hobby. thanks in advance for your advice
  3. Yeah this pedal doesn't feather at all. It's either 0 or 11. No in between
  4. ok so from what i can tell, the machine works ok, im certain some tension settings need adjusted but its hard to figure out when the thing moves at 10000000 rpm,lol. im gonna save up for one of those motors. idk how anyone could use that machine at that speed.
  5. IDK why when I reply it keeps quoting my own last post. But I'm off of the knee bolster for now. Just trying to thread everything normally and it kept breaking the thread. However I did remove the bobbin holder and gave it a good cleaning, and it didn't break that time just trying to get the bobbin thread up. But trying to see a test piece, the thread did break Immediately. The thread seemed hard to pull through it. Maybe it's a tension issue. I'll look more into it over the weekend. As far as thread and needle size, I dont know yet. Once I do more investigating, I'll post an update.
  6. I figure if it's there, it should work. Whether I decide to use it or not. Every time I try to pull the bobbin thread up, the other thread gets stuck and breaks. Any idea what could be causing that?
  7. I figure if it's there, it should work. Whether I decide to use it or not.
  8. The owner's manual I printed out is surprisingly vague. They don't even mention the knee bolster.
  9. ok, so a few questions. Is there a guide somewhere for this knee bolster thing, for like adjustment and such? it seems to not be working right. I see the oiling points, but HOW do i oil it? is there a special tool or something? how do i clean it? btw the machine definitely operates, i tapped the pedal and away it went, but i didnt run it long, due to it possibly needing oiled
  10. Exactly. Everything needs resized. No camera on the planet makes files smaller than 1.46 mb these days.
  11. http://s1152.photobucket.com/user/Justawfulgamer/library/?view=recent i ended up buying it. here are some pics of it. on a side note, getting pics on this site is a pain in the ass,lol
  12. Interested in the hardware and keyrings, etc
  13. If I get this machine, hopefully some of you will be willing to help me out with upgrading it, as I have absolutely no idea about these sort of things. Though I am confident I'm capable of actually doing the upgrades.
  14. im getting mixed responses from the group it seems. half say go for it, the other half say, probably not.... decisions....
  15. yeah as badly as id like a sewing machine for leather, i dont want this to be a money pit... hmm
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