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About Stormdrane

  • Birthday October 3

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  • Location
    Georgia, USA
  • Interests
    Decorative and useful knot work

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  1. Camp/scout knife with paracord lanyard, with leather covered wood bead that's tied in a 10 lead 8 bight 2 pass herringbone knot. Knot is from Tom Hall's book, 'Introduction to Turk's-Head Knots'.
  2. A few more past leather projects to add in here, and I'll have to see if I have the older posts images to update, that Photobucket screwed things up with... Leather Spanish ring knots... by David Hopper (Stormdrane), on Flickr The Double Loop leather laced sheath/pouch by David Hopper (Stormdrane), on Flickr leather lace gaucho knot on my camo zippo by David Hopper (Stormdrane), on Flickr
  3. Gaucho knot interweaves on wooden fid and stainless steel marlinspike knotters tool done with leather lace.
  4. Ringbolt hitching
  5. Here's a photo from one of my blog posts with the Ginfer knot in it, although I've only tied it in paracord, not leather.
  6. Some more recent leather knot projects: Added my braided leather lanyard to a Hard Rock leather wallet, replacing the metal wallet chain. Wallet with flat braided leather lanyard... by Stormdrane, on Flickr Leather neck lanyard, braided and a few Gaucho knots... Leather neck lanyard... by Stormdrane, on Flickr Safety break-away leather TH knot cover... by Stormdrane, on Flickr Leather neck lanyard... by Stormdrane, on Flickr Leather fingerloop keychain fob. Leather finger loop fob... by Stormdrane, on Flickr Leather fingerloop fob in hand... by Stormdrane, on Flickr And some leather added to a Rex Peeler... Rex Peeler with leather grip... by Stormdrane, on Flickr
  7. Paracord wrist lanyards with sliding leather lace turks head knots.
  8. Great looking belt, holster, and badge holder!
  9. And a flat braided leather lanyard...
  10. The long 4 bight turks head knot can be learned from a tutorial on the Knot Heads World Wide website, lots of knot info and knowledgeable folks there. Links for the two globe knot tutorials, that were made by a member of the French branch of the International Guild of Knot Tyers, can be found in my blog post on them. Here's a leather lanyard I made yesterday with 2mm round leather cord. I'd done one with paracord last year, after someone had seen one similar and asked what knots to use to make one.
  11. Here's some photos of recent knot work I've done with leather cord and lace... A pocket knife lanyard/fob with a 4 bight turks head knot in 2mm round leather cord, over paracord with a firesteel inserted... A bracelet done with a long 4 bight turks head knot, over paracord with a side release buckle... A couple key chain fob globe knots(turks head knot variations), 45 face and 18 face tied over 3/4" wooden ball cores...
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