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Posts posted by BrownDog52469

  1. I have used bees wax to finish the edges of stacked leather knife sheaths.  It looks very nice.  I heat a pot of water on a hot plate.  I place a block of bees wax in a smaller pot and insert the small pot in the larger one holding the hot water to melt the wax.  Once the wax is liquid I apply it to the edge using natural bristle brush.  Once the wax is on the leather edge I use a heat gun to keep it soft to move it around to get even coverage.  After it hardens buff it with a canvas buffing wheel to a high polish.

  2. Resolene is either the best product for finishing leather, or the worst, depending on who you ask.  I personally have experienced both amazing results and terrible ones.  If you wipe it on at 100% strength it will not flatten when it dries and leave you with a streaky mess.  A 50/50 or 60/40 mix will allow the product to flow evenly over the leather and dry to a flat film giving you a smooth glossy surface.  Use light coats and don't fuss with it until it is dry.  Resolene really shines when it sprayed on.  I use an small hvlp spray gun. 

    Be sure to do a test piece.  I have had experienced an "oil and water" reaction when I applied it over Fieblings Low VOC dye and even spraying it on I got splotchy coverage.      

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