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Status Updates posted by swivelsphinx

  1. Oh wow... ROCK ON. Nice job with the pattern. You made it look much cooler than the one that came with my Cowboy Cuff pattern!

    Say, did you do your stitching on a lacing pony?

  2. I finished the carving! Now I need to find the charger for the camera batteries!

  3. Just finished sorting the caps & stems to 2000 Rapid Rivets... realized after some minutes that tubular rivets only have *one* part! Wheee....

  4. Oogie Boogie... now the feathers & bird hides are all sorted.

  5. SWEET! I got great results when I attempted to dye some cobra skin! Turtle wax works on snake skins too!

  6. Tried the blue label/low VOC barge cement. It seemed to work ok on a small project, but it becomes tacky *much quicker* than the original/red label stuff.

  7. Whee! Just went through the last of the warmblooded 4 legged leathers! Hooray!!!

  8. Whoa! I'm *almost done* with the most challenging carving I've ever done! If I can get a good photo, I'll post it!

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