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  1. I like the look of the large western style heel bar buckles like this: https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/diablo-buckle-sets However, I prefer 1.75" wide belts and I cannot find any in that width. I've had trouble searching for them online since any thing about "western" buckles returns plate/trophy style buckles. Does anyone know of anywhere I can get a buckle like that or have suggestions on what they might be called that differentiates them from western plate/trophy buckles? Thanks for the help, Harimau777
  2. I like the feel of the oil tanned sides at the local Tandy Leather and I'm thinking of getting one to use for a vest. However, I want to avoid chrome tanned leather in something that could come in contact with skin a lot and I've gotten mixed messages on whether oil tanned leather is just a variant of chrome tanned or not. Does anyone know if Tandy's oil tanned leather would be likely to contain any sort of heavy metals or anything like that? Similarly, my understanding is that latigo is generally chrome tanned and then vegetable tanned. However, Tandy describes their leather as "vegetable tanned latigo". Does that mean that it is not chrome tanned? Thank you for the help!
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