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About Alric77

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/12/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Braiding, bondage gear, BDSM, apparel, accessories

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    bondage gear & impact toys
  • Interested in learning about
    rawhide braiding

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  1. It is a different creature to work with. It doesn't soften up much at all when you water case it, & it's almost waterproof on its own. When I go to wet mold it, I have to just drop it in a bucket of water & let it sit there overnight.
  2. I was playing around a little with visual effects when I was making this horsehide holster for a Ruger LC9 with crimson trace trigger guard.
  3. Thanks. I'm looking forward to doing more picture carvings
  4. Carved into the back of a vest I'm making for a friends birthday present. Not the best picture, but the best I could do at the moment.
  5. Sorry, pic didn't upload
  6. I thought my copy of Bruce Grant's Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding wasn't leather braidy enough, so I made a jacket. It's starting to look more appropriate now.
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